About CanGrow

CanGrow Crop Solutions was built on a founding principle…..“Plants don’t chew, they drink”. We offer liquid solutions across all crops from starters, side-dress, foliars, biostimulants, and biologicals.

Our products are built from SCIENCE.

Our SOLUTIONS meet the needs of our customers and their crops.

Our SUCCESS comes from the increased value and return on investment our customers see when they work with CanGrow people and products.


Innovating, adapting and manufacturing

CanGrow is much more than a fluid fertilizer company.  We have a long, successful history innovating, adapting and manufacturing fluid solutions to maximize plant potential and soil performance.  As a manufacturer, we have the technology and knowledge to innovate and adapt proven fluid solutions to meet changing needs in any market.  We can help you address factors beyond your control, such as changing environmental conditions, through foliar combinations for application throughout the season. Our partners include other leading, innovative thinkers like Mississippi based DeltAg Formulations and Texas based Stoller Group.


Products and problem solving

Our proven solutions will add value to your operation through higher yields and crops of superior quality. The CanGrow team combines in-depth understanding of crop physiology, excellent problem-solving skills and on-farm experience to deliver science-based solutions that work. All our crop solutions are complete fertilizers with micronutrients and added bio stimulants. The result is a formulation tailored by crop to increase yield quantity and quality, while optimizing the genetic potential of the seed.


Adding value

Our primary focus at CanGrow is you, our customer. Success to us is adding value to your operation by using our in-depth knowledge of crop physiology and soil performance to deliver solutions that maximize your crop yields and quality.

Contact us today and join the list of CanGrow success stories.

Arial view of CanGrow facility


You can count on CanGrow

Based in South Western Ontario, we have a proven track record in this province a well as in Western Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, Michigan and Pennsylvania. We pride ourselves on developing long-term working relationships and making fluid decisions easy. You can count on CanGrow to provide a fluid solution designed to meet your needs and to deliver it when required.


Environmental responsibility, giving back

At CanGrow we care about the environment, agriculture and our communities. We believe in being environmentally responsible by providing plants only what they need, when they need it.

CanGrow gives back to the industries we serve and the rural communities where we live and work through volunteering, sponsorships, participation in associations and other contributions to worthy causes.