Proven Programs
Following are examples of a few of our proven programs, by application type. All programs are designed to take into account your management style and field conditions.
Contact your local representative today for a specific science-based solution to add value to your operation.
Which Application Type Do You Use?

Seed and Hopper Treatment
Sidedress and Topdress

A blend of amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that support early plant development. Includes sulfur, manganese, and zinc for early root system development and enhanced early biological growth. A very fine powder that can replace talc or graphite.

BioBoost is a technological advancement in planter box treatments using a low-use rate regenerative delivery system to coat the seed with bacteria, endophytic fungi, essential amino acids, selective micronutrients and a quality carbon source to support your seed’s first interaction with the soil.

PowerStart solutions optimize plant emergence, vigour, and yield potential. PowerStart products are neutral, low pH-forming NPKS solutions that provide critical nutrient availability. Contains BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid for stress support, plus CanGrow actives for increased plant metabolism, and can be customized with additional micronutrients including zinc, magnesium, and manganese.

Provides plant available ammonium N and micronutrient package to support early root and plant development and overall hormone balance. Increases P205 uptake, increases feed value and tonnage.

A homogenous fluid where each drop contains same concentration of nutrients. CAN will lower pH (product pH <3) in the zone, freeing up additional nutrients in a “ripple” domino effect from application zone. After 24 hrs, fluid buffers with the soil.
BioLiNE® Gold
A superior fulvic acid product with unparalleled performance and potency. It is a naturally occurring organic acid with numerous benefits to crop and soil health. BioLiNE ® Gold is a highly purified, concentrated fulvic acid derived using no harsh chemicals and purified through a proprietary Fulv-IQ™ Process.

A diverse team beneficial microorganisms that ensures the soil and plant are able to efficiently work together to maximize the plant’s growth and productivity. ReNew supports plant enhancement capabilities including vitamin/hormone production, nutrient releasers, and stress reducers. Applied in furrow with water or fertilizers in any crop.

PowerBand provides a convenient one-product solution for your nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) needs with maximum N use efficiency and reduced risk of N losses. Contains 100% plant-available sulfate sulfur, BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid, for maximum uptake and efficiency, and can be customized with additional macro and micronutrients.

Nitrogen (N), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg) are essential nutrients for plant growth and development. The demand for both N and K ramp up at similar times in crops’ life cycles. Magnesium is critical in optimizing photosynthesis. Also, contains BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid for maximum uptake and efficiency and can be customized with additional micronutrients (Zn, Mn, B) and CanGrow actives and stress supporters.

Sulfur is an essential nutrient and a necessary component of amino acid, protein synthesis, and chlorophyll formation. SulfurXtra contains BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid for maximum efficiency and uptake, plus CanGrow actives for increased plant metabolism.

A cost-effective nutritional foliar built to increase plant energy ahead of critical reproductive stages to increase yield and quality. Supplies several micronutrients to support overall plant growth and the nutrient variability and availability seen in all fields. Formulated for rapid absorption and includes BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid for stress support and maximum uptake and efficiency.
BioLiNE® Platinum X
A premium formulation of nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, and BioLiNE Gold that was formulated to fortify plants from abiotic stress that occurs throughout the growing season. On-farm experience over numerous seasons has shown positive yield response when abiotic stress is at a minimum throughout the growing season.
A slow release nitrogen (N) foliar.

DeltAg products are formulated for maximum uptake and efficiency. They provide the response and results you’re looking for. DeltAg nutrients are organically complexed and contain proprietary amino acids, vitamins and enzymes resulting in better plant response from lower rates.
DeltAg products:

For more information contact your local representative or visit DeltAg.

CanGrow has been researching and evaluating biological microorganisms for several years. Our current offerings help provide growers solutions to address both crop production (microbial nutrient releasers and biostimulants) as well as residue management (microbial biodegraders).
Microbial Biostimulants
- Microbial Team with multiple capabilities to supply N, P, Zn, K, Fe and other essential components to growing plants
- Improves nutrient release and efficiency through microbial activity
- Optimizes the rhizosphere for increases in plant vigour, health and overall yield potential

Microbial Biodegraders
- Help break down complex polymers such as cellulose, lignin, and chitin
- Releases tied up nutrients in crop residue back to the next crop
- Allows for better seed to soil contact and planting conditions, less wear and tear on equipment

BioLiNE® Gold
A superior fulvic acid product with unparalleled performance and potency. It is a naturally occurring organic acid with numerous benefits to crop and soil health. BioLiNE ® Gold is a highly purified, concentrated fulvic acid derived using no harsh chemicals and purified through a proprietary Fulv-IQ™ Process.
For more information on products and programs, visit BioLiNE®.
BioLiNE® Emerald
A certified input for organic farming, designed to work in concert with other organic nutritional programs. Nourishing crops through the various stages of growth, application of BioLiNE ® Emerald ensures that crops get superior nourishment at key phases of development.
For more information on products and programs, visit BioLiNE®.

A concentrated liquid extract of cold water seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) designed for use on all crops, including row crops, vegetables, fruits and turf. Can be applied to the foliage, soil or as a nutrient solution by drip irrigation.
A valuable farmer network
At CanGrow, our primary focus is you, our customer. We work closely with each farmer in our valuable farmer network, discussing current trends and ideas and most importantly learning from your experience and knowledge on your own farm. This is the secret to building a successful program for your farm that adds value to your crop. As farmers ourselves, we recognize that our grower relationships are a valuable resource in helping us continue to design industry-leading crop solutions and products.