Biological Solutions
CanGrow’s Microbial Team Solutions
Healthy soils produce healthy crops. The health of your soil is directly related to the amount of living microbial population and it’s diversity. All nutrients are cycled through microbial processes to be utilized by the plant. Microbes also provide valuable growth promoting factors, increased water use efficiency, and increased resistance to plant pathogens. Normal farming practices such as tillage, chemical applications, reduced rotations, lack of food/living root systems all contribute to the reduced biological activity and reduced microbial benefits of your soil.
Powered by Biodyne USA microbial “teams”, CanGrow biological lines provide multiple microorganisms to increase both the diversity and amount of microbes and plant beneficial capabilities of your soil. Easy to apply (seed treatment, in-furrow, foliar), they fit into your current farm management practices and can be applied with most nutritional or weed control programs. Use CanGrow biologicals to support your long term soil health sustainability goals, increase yields in this years crop, and optimize your soil/biological/plant interactions for future crops.
What is most important to you?
BioBoost Microbial Team
Hopper Treatment
BioBoost is a technological advancement in planter box treatments using a low-use rate regenerative delivery system to coat the seed with bacteria, endophytic fungi, essential amino acids, selective micronutrients and a quality carbon source to support your seed’s first interaction with the soil.
ReNew Microbial Team
Bio-fertility in-furrow
A diverse team beneficial microorganisms that ensures the soil and plant are able to efficiently work together to maximize the plant’s growth and productivity. ReNew supports plant enhancement capabilities including vitamin/hormone production, nutrient releasers, and stress reducers. Applied in furrow with water or fertilizers in any crop. Organically Certified.
Meltdown Microbial Team
Residue Manager/Recycler
The most complete and advance tool for managing and recycling the nutrients tied up in crop residue. A microbial team with food source to provide faster establishment, population growth, and maximum biological activity. Applied to crop residue after harvest or in the spring. Fall applications support improved spring planting conditions, reduces potential damage to equipment due to tough stalks, and may additional reduce tillage passes. Spring/in-crop applications help provide nutrients to growing crops as well as Carbon to support microbial processes. Perfect for corn, wheat, and cover crop residues. Organic Certified version available.
ReSTore Microbial Team
Bio-fertility Seed Treatment
A seed applied biological team that promotes quick germination, more robust root mass and plant vigour. Includes a food source for survival on seed for applications ahead of planting. Can be applied to any crop. Certified organic version available.
UnLeash Microbial Team
Bio-fertility & Residue Manager
The best of a microbial bio-fertility and residue manager/recycler all in one. A combination of ReNew and Meltdown teams with an food source to provide faster establishment, population growth, and maximum biological activity. Applied to soil surface in any crop. Can be applied with crop protection products such as herbicides or fungicides.
Environoc 301 Microbial Team
Manure Management
A unique waste management product that combines over 25 strains of fresh, natural microbes selected for their capability to degrade organic waste. An easy to use liquid biological product that you can add to liquid/dry manure or compost to reduce order, allow easier pumping & handling, plus increase the nutrient value of your amendment. By using Environoc 301, you will be unleashing the power of nature to enhance your livestock waste management processes.